Companion Plants for Fig Trees

19 Companion Plants for Fig Trees: A Gardener's Guide - Are you a fig tree enthusiast? Are you looking to maximize the health and yield of your beloved fig trees? If so, you're on the right track! Growing fig trees is not only a rewarding experience but also an opportunity to create a vibrant and thriving garden.


One way to take your fig tree cultivation to the next level is through the practice of companion planting. This age-old technique involves strategically pairing different plants to create a harmonious ecosystem that benefits all parties involved. By carefully selecting the right companion plants, you can enhance soil quality, improve pollination, and deter pests, resulting in healthier and more productive fig trees.


But what exactly is companion planting and why is it so essential for fig tree care? Companion planting is the art of strategically placing plants in close proximity to one another to maximize their growth and health. When certain plant combinations are selected, they work synergistically to create a balanced microclimate, attracting beneficial insects, repelling harmful pests, and offering mutual support.


So, how can you harness the power of companion planting to optimize your fig tree's growth? In this blog post, we will explore the top 19 companion plants for fig trees. These carefully selected plants offer a range of benefits to your fig trees, including attracting pollinators, repelling pests, and providing essential nutrients.


Join us as we delve into the world of companion planting, revealing the perfect partnerships to support your fig tree garden. Say goodbye to struggling fig trees and hello to a bountiful harvest. Get ready to unlock the secrets of successful fig tree care and watch your garden thrive like never before.

Choosing the Right Companions for Your Fig Tree

1. Comfrey: Nature's Soil Enhancer

Comfrey, a member of the borage family, is an excellent companion for your fig tree. Not only does it attract pollinators such as bees that benefit the fig trees and neighboring plants, but it also offers additional benefits for your garden.


One of the significant advantages of comfrey is its ability to enhance the soil. Dried comfrey leaves can be used as mulch to add nutrients back to the soil. By breaking down slowly, the leaves release valuable minerals like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. This enriches the soil and provides vital nutrition for your fig tree.


Comfrey is also a great addition to compost heaps. Its leaves contain high levels of nitrogen, making it a fantastic green manure crop. By adding chopped comfrey leaves to your compost pile, you can speed up decomposition and create nutrient-rich compost for your plants.


When it comes to compatibility, comfrey and fig trees go hand in hand. Fig trees tend to get along well with comfrey, as they have similar light requirements. Both plants thrive in full sun or partial shade, making them perfect companions in the garden.


By incorporating comfrey into your garden, you can attract pollinators, contribute to soil health, and provide natural fertilization for your fig tree.

2. Wildflowers: Beautify and Nourish

Wildflowers are not only visually appealing but can also be beneficial companions for your fig tree. Like comfrey, they attract pollinators, contributing to the overall health of your garden.


When choosing wildflower varieties to plant with your fig tree, consider those that are native to your region and thrive in similar growing conditions. Some popular options include California poppies, Mexican sunflowers, and cosmos. These wildflowers not only add a burst of color to your garden but also help nourish the soil by improving its structure and attracting beneficial insects.


The combination of fig trees and wildflowers creates a harmonious ecosystem in your garden. The fig tree provides shade and protection for the delicate wildflowers, while the wildflowers attract pollinators that benefit the fig tree's fruit production.


Whether you choose to plant wildflowers as a border around your fig tree or scatter them throughout the garden, their beauty and contribution to soil health make them a wonderful companion for your fig tree.

3. Strawberries: Sweet Companions

Strawberries make delightful companions for your fig tree, both in terms of aesthetics and functionality. Not only do they attract pollinators, but their low-growing habit makes them a perfect ground cover beneath your fig tree.


When considering planting strawberries near your fig tree, it's important to take shading and spacing factors into account. Ensure that the strawberries receive enough sunlight to thrive, as fig trees can cast shade with their dense foliage. Additionally, provide sufficient space between the strawberry plants and the fig tree to avoid competition for nutrients and water.


Having fresh strawberries alongside your figs has its perks. You can enjoy the delicious taste of ripe strawberries straight from your garden, and the vibrant red fruits add visual appeal to your garden landscape. Plus, the combination of figs and strawberries makes for a delightful summer harvest.

4. Lavender: Aromatic Pest Repellent

Lavender is not only a beautiful and aromatic addition to your garden but also a natural pest repellent. By planting lavender near your fig tree, you can help protect your tree from unwanted pests while adding a touch of charm.


Lavender attracts pollinators such as bees and butterflies, which are essential for fig tree pollination. The sweet fragrance and vibrant purple flowers of lavender create a visually stunning display in your garden while benefiting the overall health of your fig tree.


Consider planting lavender in close proximity to your fig tree, taking care to ensure they receive adequate sunlight and well-drained soil. Lavender thrives in full sun and requires good air circulation to prevent diseases.


By incorporating lavender into your garden, you can enjoy the aromatic benefits, repel pests naturally, and create a visually appealing environment for your fig tree.

Fig-Friendly Companions Beyond Herbs and Flowers

5. Mediterranean Herbs: Dill, Tarragon, and Lemon Balm

When planning your fig garden, consider the advantages of including Mediterranean herbs such as dill, tarragon, and lemon balm. These herbs not only enhance the overall aesthetic appeal but also offer various benefits to your fig trees.


Dill, tarragon, and lemon balm are excellent companions for fig trees due to their compatibility and ability to attract pollinators. These herbs release fragrances and nectar that entice bees and other beneficial insects, promoting pollination and increasing fig fruit production. By adding these herbs to your garden, you will create a favorable environment for pollinators, ensuring healthy fig trees and abundant harvests.


In addition to attracting pollinators, dill, tarragon, and lemon balm act as natural pest deterrents. Their strong scents repel pests such as aphids, whiteflies, and mites, reducing the risk of infestations in your fig garden. By strategically planting these herbs around your fig trees, you can create a barrier that protects your precious figs from destructive pests, ensuring a healthier and more productive harvest.

6. Marigolds: The Pest-Repelling Guardians

In your quest to maintain a healthy fig garden, look no further than marigolds. These vibrant flowers not only add visual appeal but also act as natural guardians, repelling pests that can harm your fig trees.


Marigolds are known for their strong aroma, which naturally deters many common garden pests. The scent released by marigolds masks the attractants that pests seek, making them less likely to infest your fig trees. Aphids, nematodes, and whiteflies are among the pests that particularly dislike the presence of marigolds. By utilizing the pest-repelling properties of marigolds, you can protect your fig trees from potential damage and ensure a bountiful harvest.


To safeguard your fig trees effectively, consider strategically positioning marigold plants along the borders of your fig garden. This placement acts as a barrier, preventing pests from entering and causing harm. Additionally, marigolds provide a burst of vibrant color with their striking yellow, orange, and red blooms, enhancing the overall beauty of your fig garden. Their enchanting flowers serve as a visual delight while fulfilling the essential function of pest control.


With marigolds vigilantly standing guard, your fig trees can flourish without the constant threat of pests, ensuring healthier and more productive fig harvests.

7. Jerusalem Artichoke: A Fig Tree's Best Friend

When aiming for a diverse fig garden, don't forget to consider the remarkable relationship between fig trees and Jerusalem artichokes. These plants thrive alongside each other, benefiting and enriching the garden environment.


Jerusalem artichokes and fig trees have a harmonious relationship. Jerusalem artichokes work as beneficial companions by providing shade to the fig tree roots, regulating soil temperature, and preventing weed growth. At the same time, fig trees provide a supportive structure for Jerusalem artichokes to climb and grow. This mutual cooperation creates a symbiotic environment, resulting in healthier and more vigorous growth for both plants.

8. Clematis: Beauty and Compatibility

Consider adding the charming beauty of clematis to your fig garden. Clematis and fig trees make a compatible pair, enhancing the visual appeal of your garden while providing additional benefits.


Clematis vines, with their colorful and elegant flowers, add a touch of sophistication to your fig garden. The luscious blooms contrast beautifully against the fig leaves, creating a stunning visual display throughout the growing season. Furthermore, clematis vines can be trained to grow alongside the fig tree branches without causing harm, making them ideal companions.


When planting clematis near fig trees, ensure that both plants have access to adequate sunlight and water. Clematis requires support for climbing, and the fig tree's structure can provide the necessary framework. With proper attention to placement and care, the fig tree and clematis will thrive together, creating an enchanting and harmonious garden setting.

9. Bulbs: Snowdrops and Daffodils

Snowdrops and daffodils are perfect partners for fig trees, providing early-season beauty and enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of your garden.


Snowdrops and daffodils are suitable bulb plants to accompany fig trees due to their ability to thrive in similar growing conditions. These bulbs can tolerate the shade cast by the fig tree's canopy, making them an excellent choice for understory planting. Their vibrant blooms, appearing early in the spring, create a delightful contrast against the fig's foliage, signaling the arrival of a new growing season.


To achieve optimal results, plant snowdrop and daffodil bulbs in the fall before the ground freezes. For snowdrops, dig a hole about three inches deep and carefully place the bulb with the pointed end facing up. Daffodils require a slightly deeper hole, around six inches, also with the pointed end facing upwards. Space the bulbs apart accordingly, allowing enough room for growth and expansion.


By incorporating snowdrops and daffodils into your fig garden, you will enjoy the early blooms and add a colorful dimension to your space, welcoming spring with a burst of vibrant hues.

Natural Pest Control and Visual Delights

10. Rue: The Pest-Repelling Ornament

Rue is a remarkable plant that not only adds a touch of beauty to your fig garden but also serves as an effective pest deterrent. With its pest-repelling qualities and aesthetic appeal, rue can be a valuable addition to your fig tree companion plants.


Rue is known for its ability to deter a wide range of pests including beetles, aphids, slugs, and snails. This makes it an excellent natural defense against unwanted insects that can harm your fig tree. Additionally, rue has bluish-grey leaves and yellow flowers, which adds a striking visual element to your garden.


When strategically placing rue in your fig garden, consider planting it near the base of the tree. This helps create a barrier effect, deterring pests from reaching the fig tree. Rue can also be grown in clumps around the tree, filling in the area near the base and providing a visually appealing border.


Ensure that rue is not planted in close proximity to basil, sage, mint, cabbage, or cucumbers, as it can inhibit the growth of these plants. By incorporating rue into your fig garden, you can enjoy both its pest-repelling qualities and its ornamental value.

11. Chamomile: Pollinator Magnet and Pest Deterrent

Chamomile is an incredible companion plant for fig trees, offering dual benefits of attracting pollinators and repelling pests. With its delightful fragrance and beautiful flowers, chamomile not only enhances the aesthetics of your garden but also supports the overall health of your fig tree.


Chamomile serves as a magnet for pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and beneficial insects. This increased pollination activity can significantly improve the productivity of your fig tree, resulting in a higher yield of delicious figs. Additionally, chamomile has natural pest-deterrent properties that help repel pests like aphids, beetles, and whiteflies.


To integrate chamomile into your garden design, consider planting it in close proximity to your fig tree. This will encourage pollinators to visit both the chamomile and the fig tree, increasing the chances of successful pollination. Chamomile can be grown as a border around the fig tree or interspersed throughout the garden to attract pollinators to the entire area.


By incorporating chamomile into your fig garden, you not only create a visually appealing landscape but also promote the pollination process and deter pests naturally.

12. Chives: Beneficial Alliums

Chives are a beneficial companion plant for fig trees, attracting pollinators and deterring pests. These versatile alliums can play a crucial role in supporting the health and productivity of your fig tree.


Chives have attractive purple flowers that not only add a pop of color to your garden but also attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies. Increased pollination can lead to better fruit set and larger, sweeter figs. Additionally, chives release a scent that acts as a natural deterrent against pests like aphids and other unwanted insects.


When planting chives in proximity to your fig tree, ensure they are positioned in a way that allows sufficient space for both plants to thrive. Chives can be grown in clusters near the base of the fig tree or as border plants around the garden to create a protective barrier against pests.


Caring for chives is relatively easy, requiring well-drained soil and regular watering. Snip off the chive flowers to encourage continuous growth and ensure the plant remains productive.


By including chives in your fig garden, you not only gain the benefits of improved pollination but also actively deter pests, creating a healthier and more productive environment for your fig tree.

The Beauty and Utility of Visual Plants

13. Lemongrass: Aromatic Pest Control

Lemongrass is not only a fragrant addition to your garden but also a highly effective natural pest repellent. Its strong lemony scent acts as a deterrent for pests like mosquitoes, flies, and aphids. By planting lemongrass near your fig trees, you can keep these unwanted insects at bay while enjoying the refreshing aroma it emits.


Incorporating lemongrass into your fig garden is simple. Choose a sunny spot with well-drained soil for optimal growth. Plant lemongrass in a row or cluster near your fig trees, ensuring they receive enough sunlight. Regular watering and occasional fertilization will help maximize its growth and pest-repellent properties.


Apart from its practical benefits, lemongrass adds visual appeal to your garden. The tall, slender stalks with their vibrant green leaves create an elegant and tropical look. The swaying motion of the leaves in the breeze adds a sense of tranquility to your outdoor space.

14. Mint: Pest-Repelling Ground Cover

Mint is not only a versatile herb for culinary use but also a fantastic pest-repelling ground cover for your fig garden. Its strong scent acts as a natural deterrent against pests like ants, aphids, and rodents. Planting mint near your fig trees can help keep these nuisances away while adding a lush and vibrant carpet of green to your garden.


The best way to incorporate mint into your fig garden is by planting it as a ground cover around the base of the trees. Mint thrives in partial shade, so ensure there is enough sunlight reaching the area. However, be cautious as mint has a tendency to spread rapidly and can become invasive. To control its growth, consider planting mint in containers or using barriers around the planting area.


Maintaining mint is relatively easy. It requires regular watering to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. Pruning the mint plants regularly will help control their growth and promote bushier, healthier foliage. Additionally, you can harvest and utilize the mint leaves for culinary purposes, enhancing the flavor of your dishes with this aromatic herb.

15. Marjoram: Pollinator Magnet and Pest Deterrent

Marjoram is an excellent companion plant for fig trees, as it serves multiple purposes - attracting pollinators and repelling pests. Its delicate white or pink flowers are irresistible to bees, butterflies, and other beneficial insects that aid in pollination. At the same time, marjoram releases a scent that repels pests like aphids and thrips.


To incorporate marjoram into your fig garden, plant it near the base of the trees or in nearby flower beds. Ensure they receive ample sunlight and well-drained soil. Marjoram is a relatively low-maintenance plant, requiring moderate watering and occasional pruning to maintain its shape and encourage more blooms.


By attracting pollinators, marjoram enhances the fruiting potential of your fig trees, resulting in a more abundant harvest. Additionally, its pest-repelling properties help protect your figs from common pests, ensuring healthier and unblemished fruits.

16. Rosemary: Fragrant Pest Control

Rosemary is a highly aromatic herb that not only adds a delightful fragrance to your garden but also acts as an effective pest control agent. Its strong scent repels many insects, including mosquitoes, flies, and cabbage moths. By strategically planting rosemary near your fig trees, you can create a fragrant barrier that keeps these pests at bay.


When incorporating rosemary into your fig garden, choose locations that receive full sun exposure and well-drained soil. Rosemary is a hardy plant that thrives in drier conditions, making it an ideal companion for fig trees. Plant the rosemary shrubs near the base of the trees or as a border around the garden to reap the maximum benefits.


Aside from its pest-repelling properties, rosemary also adds aesthetic charm to your garden. The evergreen leaves and woody stems provide an attractive backdrop for your fig trees, creating a visually appealing and cohesive garden design. Additionally, rosemary can be used in various culinary preparations, allowing you to enjoy its flavorsome and aromatic leaves.


Remember to trim the rosemary shrubs regularly to maintain their shape and promote bushier growth. This will ensure that the fragrance and pest control properties of rosemary remain potent in your fig garden.

Sweet and Savory Options for Fig Lovers

17. Stevia: Sweet Pollinator Attractor

Stevia is a versatile companion plant for fig trees that not only adds a touch of sweetness to your garden but also attracts pollinators and repels pests. Known for its natural sweetening properties, stevia can be a valuable addition to your fig garden.


When it comes to attracting pollinators, stevia’s small, dainty flowers are irresistible to bees, butterflies, and other beneficial insects. These pollinators play a crucial role in the fig tree's fruit production, ensuring a bountiful harvest. By incorporating stevia into your garden, you can create an environment that encourages pollinators to visit your fig tree.

Additionally, stevia acts as a natural pest repellent. Its leaves contain compounds that deter common garden pests such as aphids and whiteflies. By planting stevia near your fig tree, you can help protect it from these nuisances and promote its overall health.


To incorporate stevia into your garden, choose a sunny spot with well-draining soil. Stevia plants require regular watering, so ensure that they receive adequate moisture. They can be grown from seed or purchased as young plants from nurseries or garden centers.


When planting stevia near your fig tree, consider leaving enough space for both plants to grow without competing for resources. This will allow them to thrive together harmoniously and provide a sweet and pollinator-friendly environment for your fig tree.

18. Tarragon: Pollinator-Friendly Pest Repellent

Tarragon, with its aromatic leaves and flavorful essence, is not only a culinary delight but also a valuable companion plant for fig trees. This herb has the unique ability to attract pollinators while deterring pests, making it an excellent addition to your fig garden.


Tarragon's bright yellow flowers are known to attract beneficial insects such as bees and butterflies. These pollinators play a vital role in fig tree fruit production, ensuring successful pollination and the development of quality figs. By cultivating tarragon near your fig tree, you can create a pollinator-friendly environment that enhances fruit production.


In addition to attracting pollinators, tarragon also acts as a pest repellent. The strong scent of tarragon leaves can deter pests like aphids, mites, and cabbage worms, which can cause damage to your fig tree. By planting tarragon as a companion to your fig tree, you can naturally protect it from these unwanted visitors.


When cultivating tarragon near your fig tree, ensure that it receives enough sunlight and well-draining soil. Tarragon plants thrive in warm and sunny conditions. Proper spacing between tarragon and your fig tree is essential to allow both plants to grow without competing for space or resources.


By incorporating tarragon into your fig garden, you not only enhance the flavor of your culinary creations but also create an environment that attracts pollinators and repels pests, promoting the overall health and productivity of your fig tree.

19. Thyme: Fragrant Pest Control

Thyme is not just a fragrant herb that adds a burst of flavor to your dishes; it is also an effective companion plant for fig trees due to its pest-repellent properties. The aromatic appeal of thyme can help you keep unwanted pests at bay while adding a delightful fragrance to your garden.


Thyme is known for repelling pests like aphids, cabbage worms, and slugs, which can cause damage to your fig tree. Its strong scent acts as a natural deterrent, keeping these pests at a distance. By planting thyme near your fig tree, you can create a pest-free environment and protect your tree from potential harm.


In addition to its pest-repellent properties, thyme offers creative ways to integrate it into your fig garden. You can plant thyme in the ground near the base of your fig tree or use it as a border plant around your garden bed. Thyme also thrives in containers, making it a versatile option for smaller spaces or patio gardens.


To grow thyme successfully, provide it with well-draining soil, plenty of sunlight, and regular watering. Thyme is a resilient herb that can withstand drought conditions, making it a low-maintenance companion plant for your fig tree.


By incorporating thyme into your fig garden, you not only create a fragrant and visually appealing landscape but also establish a natural defense against pests. Enjoy the aromatic appeal of thyme while protecting the health and productivity of your fig tree.


In conclusion, companion planting offers numerous benefits for fig trees, enhancing their health, fruit production, and overall garden aesthetics. By strategically selecting companion plants, you can create a harmonious ecosystem in your fig garden that attracts pollinators, repels pests, and adds flavor and fragrance to your space.


The blog post highlighted three companion plants that are particularly beneficial for fig trees: stevia, tarragon, and thyme. Stevia attracts pollinators and repels pests while providing a natural sweetener, making it a versatile option. Tarragon acts as a pollinator-friendly pest repellent, attracting beneficial insects while deterring common garden pests. Thyme, with its fragrant aroma, serves as an effective pest control method and adds a delightful touch to the garden.


Readers are encouraged to experiment with various companion plants based on their specific needs and preferences. Each garden is unique, and by understanding the characteristics and benefits of different companion plants, you can tailor your selection to create a customized environment that suits your fig tree and garden vision.


By incorporating companion plants, fig tree owners can enjoy the benefits of increased pollination, decreased pest damage, and an overall improved garden experience. The combination of these plants not only promotes the health and productivity of the fig tree but also adds visual appeal, fragrance, and flavor to the garden.


So, whether you choose stevia, tarragon, thyme, or a combination of these companions, you can create a thriving fig garden that not only produces delicious fruit but also delights the senses. Embrace the concept of companion planting and watch your fig tree flourish in harmony with its surrounding plants.

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